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Je tiens a remercier toutes les gentilles personnes qui m'ont encouragee lors de ma premiere contri dans le jardin. Tous vos messages et vos votes m'ont fait un grand plaisir. Voici la deuxieme partie; j'espere qu'elle vous plaira et que vous continuerez a me supporter. Je suis desolee de ne pouvoir repondre a tous les messages, mais je vous envoie de gros baisers de France. Votre DD, tres heureuse! I am happy to thank all kind people who encouraged me at the time of my first contri in the garden. All your messages and your votes made me a big pleasure. Here is the second left; I hope that it will please you and that you will continue to support me. I am distressed not to be able to answer to all messages, but I send you of thick kissing of France. Your DD, very happy!
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Here is another lovely today of suntan of the last summer with one of my sexier friend . In this beach along the mountain river the people can take the sun as they want , nude or with the swimming clothes . Obviously we are always completely nude and go around to show us . Or rather today we show ourself while make lesbo sex near this rock where there is a man on the top . He can see us in our poses but he seems not interested in us . What's a pity . Perhaps he is a gay . Anyway we don't pretend to like at everyone . But if you have liked us on the rocks in the river we want to know ....... Bye Vanessa Questa e un'altra di quelle belle giornate della scorsa estate passate con una delle mie amiche piu sexy sul fiume di montagna . In questa spiaggia si puo prendere il sole nudi o in costume , come si vuole . Naturalmente noi siamo sempre e completamente nude e andiamo in giro a farci vedere un po. Che male c 'e , no...? . Anzi oggi giochiamo tra di noi proprio sotto questa roccia dove c'e un uomo sulla cima . Vogliamo vedere la sua reazione alle noste pose lesbo . Ma pur vedendoci non sembra interessato al nostro show . Non ci fila proprio . Peccato . Magari e gay. Beh ! , non pretendiamo di piacere a tutti . Se invece a voi siamo piaciute fatecelo sapere . Ciao Vanessa
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